According to the authorities, it is unclear whether Paul Millachip was attacked twice by the great white sharks or by two sharks.
After a double shark attack on a beach in Western Australia, Perth authorities cancelled a search for an experienced swimmer.
Witnesses reportedly did not know whether the 57-year-old Paul Mirachip was attacked by two sharks or was attacked twice by the same 14-foot-long great white shark. Some witnesses reported seeing two dorsal fins.
When the attack occurred on Friday morning, the father of two children moved from London to Perth and was swimming on the beach in North Fremantle. A few minutes ago, a group of teenagers spotted a great white shark on the beach and jumped on their dinghy to warn people.
When Mirachip was attacked, they were very close to him-and tried to help him, but to no avail.
They "witnessed the attack and... provided information about what they saw and heard," Acting Inspector Troy Douglas told ABC News.
He called these teenagers “a great effort” to try to help Millachip, but “maybe you don’t want to see it.” He added that they also “do a good job reminding other people on the beach and other swimmers.”
The authorities are trying to determine if a great white shark is circling and attacking Mirachip for the second time, or if swimmers are also attacked by tiger sharks.
After finding only Millachip's swimming goggles, the search was cancelled.
According to the Yorkshire Post, Douglas said: "Investigation will continue based on anything that was washed away or anything found in the future, but the sea search has been suspended at this time."
The wife of Mira Chip, who requested anonymity, was sitting on the beach at the time of the attack.
She "specially mentioned the young guys on the boat, because everything they did was definitely an absolutely terrifying experience for them. My heart is with them, and I thank them for everything they do," she was on the beach. Told reporters on. (Look at the video above,)
She added that they "may have saved other lives."
"Rest in peace, Paul," she said. "He's dead [doing] what he likes to do the most....He is an amazing man, an amazing father."
The attack "appeared suddenly. But it did happen, you just have to deal with it," she said.